Master Plan

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

New Police Station

Dear Owner,

Security is a very vital issue we need to address for any
place we go. You must feel safe when you walk around the place, day or night.
One way is to see a place is safe or not. Normally, you can walk around the place and listen to person convervation in the coffee shop. You can read News appear from the local newspaper.

Security could be improved by the community. Firstly, from the community itself. The community must united to face the situation. Secondly, form Rela group. etc

Lighting at the area play a important role. The place must have lights.

Good News, there is lot effort from all parties to get the goverment to set
up a Police station in Demat Laut Commercial Centre.

We hope the goverment would set up a police station in Demat Laut Commercial centre soon.

For the meantime, if you need assistance, please call 082-244-444